Schedule of Events and Important Information

Below you'll find the schedule of events and other important tournament information for the South Shore Bass Open.


  • Tournament waters are off-limits beginning August 1st at 3:00 pm CST.

  • Mandatory pre-tournament registration at Horseshoe Casino is from 3:00-4:30 pm CST. At least 1 team member must attend to register their team.

  • The mandatory pre-tournament meeting at the Horseshoe Casino is from 4:30-5:30 pm CST. At least 1 member of the team must attend the meeting.

  • The meet and greet hospitality room, which provides food and beverages from the Horseshoe Casino, is from 5:30-7:00 pm CST.

  • Parking at the Horseshoe Casino will be at Valet Parking by the Main Doors for the Casino highlighted in red. THIS AREA IS FOR TOW VEHICLES ONLY. NO TRAILERS IN THIS AREA.
  • Boat and Trailer parking is available at the Horseshoe Casinos overflow lot highlighted in purple. This area is available for competing anglers throughout the weekend

Bass Open Parking 1 Bass Open Parking 2
 Bass Open Parking 3


August 1, 2025

  • 3 pm CST Tournament waters are off limits. The only exception for tournament anglers being on the water after off-limits is if an angler is renting a slip at the Hammond Marina.
  • 3 pm-4:30 pm Registration at the Horseshoe Casino. At least one team member must attend registration. If no team member attends registration that team will be disqualified.
  • 4:30 pm-5:30 pm is Pre-Tournament meeting. At least one team member must attend the Pre-Tournament meeting. If no team member attends the Pre-Tournament meeting that team will be disqualified.
  • 5:30 pm-7 pm Hospitality/Meet and Greet Room at the Horseshoe Casino. Team members' attendance is voluntary.


August 2, 2025

  • 3:30 am-5 am anglers can begin to launch their boats. All anglers must be in their boat by 5:15 am. No exception.
  • 5:20 am All boats MUST be in the take-off area to start the tournament.
  • 5:25 am “The Star Spangled Banner” will be played.
  • 5:30 am teams will be called in numerical order beginning with Team #1, who pass by the dock to have their live wells checked and begin their tournament day. There will only be one flight.
  • 2 pm all teams MUST be checked in. Teams will check in at the same area as the morning release. Teams can begin checking in as early as 1:30 pm at the same area as the morning release.  If a team needs to check in earlier than 1:30 pm they must do so with the Tournament Director. Any team checking in beginning at 2:01 pm will incur late penalties.
  • Weigh-in will begin at 2:00 pm. Anglers will stage by the boat launch using the courtesy docks as they wait to weigh in or can find an area close to the launch. There will be official weigh bags issued to anglers. 6 bags at a time. A team cannot use their own weigh bags. Golf carts will take the teams to the weigh-in area and bring them back to their boat. Release boats will be available or a team can take their fish back out to the lake and release them.
  • 4 pm weigh-in to conclude.
  • Festivities at the event will continue until 8 pm


August 3, 2025

  • 3:30 am-5 am anglers can begin to launch their boats. All anglers must be in their boat by 5:15 am. No exception.
  • 5:20 am All boats MUST be in the take-off area to start the tournament.
  • 5:25 am “The Star Spangled Banner” will be played.
  • 5:30 am teams will be called in reverse order as day one, pass by the dock to have their live wells checked, and begin their tournament day. There will only be one flight.
  • 2 pm all teams MUST be checked in. Teams will check in at the same area as the morning release. Teams can begin checking in as early as 1:30 pm at the same area as the morning release.  If a team needs to check in earlier than 1:30 pm they must do so with the Tournament Director. Any team checking in beginning at 2:01 pm will incur late penalties.
  • Weigh-in will begin at 2:00 pm. Anglers will stage by the boat launch using the courtesy docks as they wait to weigh in or can find an area close to the launch. There will be official weigh bags issued to anglers. 6 bags at a time. A team cannot use their own weigh bags.
    • ****The top 5 teams after the day 1 standings will weigh in last****
    • Golf carts will take the teams to the weigh-in area and bring them back to their boat. Release boats will be available or a team can take their fish back out to the lake and release them.
  • 4 pm weigh-in to conclude.
  • 4 pm Presentation of checks to Charitable Organizations
  • 4:30 pm Presentation of awards
  • Festivities at the event will continue until 6 pm

****All times are CST****

****All times are subject to change at the Tournament Directors discretion****


Bass Open Off Limit 1  Bass Open Off Limit 2  Bass Open Off Limit 4 Bass Open Off Limit 3  Bass Open Off Limit 5  Bass Open Off Limit 6