Savor the South Shore
Restaurant Weeks
February 26 - March 10, 2024
Savor the South Shore Restaurant Weeks features specially priced 3-course menus or discounts from participating restaurants. It's the perfect time to explore the region's amazing culinary treats and revisit local favorites. No need for coupons - simply ask your server for their Savor menu!
Restaurants & Menus
Explore the Savor the South Shore menus for some of Northwest Indiana's favorite restaurants.
On February 26th download the ALL NEW South Shore Passport App! This app will replace the current South Shore Brewery Trail App, available in the Apple App Store or on Google Play.
Check-in to as many participating Savor restaurants as you can February 26 - March 10. Each check-in earns you an entry towards an exclusive gift card package valued at $250! One winner will be chosen at random the week of March 11.
The more you savor the South Shore...the greater your chance of winning!
For special offers and information on Savor and more from local restaurants and breweries:
Text SAVOR to 219-799-7770
Calling All Restaurants
CLICK HERE to submit your menu for Savor!
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Would you like more information about the South Shore and the Indiana Dunes? Use the links below to request an area guide be mailed to you, download our Indiana Dunes brochure, join our e-newsletter list or sign up for text alerts.
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