Shipwrecked in Lake Michigan - The JD Marshall

Photo from NWI Times You have probably seen, or seen pictures of, the giant metal propeller located at Indiana Dunes State Park. Did you know that it is from a sunken ship located in the bottom of Lake Michigan, that is also the first underwater nature preserve in Indiana? Now you do…

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Where There’s a Willow, There’s a Way at Kankakee Sands

Photo by Jeff Timmons I was standing out in a 400-acre wet prairie just north of our Kankakee Sand office, placidly harvesting seeds when I hear the crackling, sizzling Zzzzap! like the sound of an electrical circuit shorting out. With exactly zero electric lines running through that particular prairie, what could have made that sound? Then I noticed a large willow patch… and where there is a willow patch at Kankakee Sands, there may be a sedge wren (Cistothorus platensis) singing its electrical sounding song. …

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